I’ve wanted to write a book for a while – mainly because people seemed genuinely interested in the presentations I have given over the past several years at the ApacheCon conferences. While my academic background and most of my project background is in the area of high-availability and resource allocation in clusters (i.e. load-balancing), it seemed that a book on it would either be too high level or too applied. The problem with high level conversation is that you end up boring people to death who are practical and not providing enough hands-on information to those that are engineers.
In the unlikely event that I can actually focus enough to write in my blog, I have started a new blog with new software. I don’t much like Moveable Type and thought I’d give Serendipity a whirl.
It is so hard to separate work from life. Those parts of life that are clearly not work are hard to find time to write about… I hardly have time to live them.
Occasionally I manage to shoot some good photos with my Sony T1. I love the camera because of its portabliity, but the lack extensive optics make it hard to take spectacular pictures. However, when the lighting is just right… Zoe’s 21 months old now and talking up a storm now – every once in a while we here a structured sentence. She clearly knows what she wants and what she wants to say.