I just registered for OSCON. They say I should advertise that I am a speaker. Here goes. For the last several years, I've presented multiple talks at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference. My Scalable Internet Architectures talk has been quite popular and drawn large crowds. It is an interesting talk as it doesn't really change with time. As I say, "if principles of good engineering changed frequently, I'd never drive on bridges.

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PHP Sucks.

So, at OSCON, I gave a PHP Lightning talk called "Six Reasons PHP Sucks." It really deserves to be a slideshow with commentary, but I don't know how to do that really easily and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to that. So, the slides aren't nearly as funny without my insane ranting to go along with it, but I figured that people that attended would at least have clear fond memories of it if the slides were available.

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It was a pleasure speaking at OSCON2005 on Wednesday on the topic of cross-vendor database replication approaches. Many attendees requested that I put the slides online. While there is a tremendous amount of commentary and critique that goes with the slides, I hope that they will be somewhat useful to a more general audience. Alas, here they are: DB Replication PDF DB Replication Keynote stack

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For any fans out there, you'll be pleased to know that the speaking circuit is about to pick up again this year. I should be talking at: ApacheCon Europe 2005 18-22 July 2005 (in Stuttgart, Germany), OSCON 2005 1-5 August 2005 (in Portland, Oregon USA), and EuroOSCON 2005 17-20 October 2005 (in Amsterdam, The Netherlands). At each conference I'll be presenting "Scalable Internet Architectures" which goes into the gory details behind building, managing and maintaining large Internet systems.

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Theo Schlossnagle

Distributed Systems, Scalability, and Operations. read more

CEO - Circonus

Maryland, USA