This is a guide for choosing terminology for software and software products. I’ve been in the field for a while and things have changed. It stands to reason that things will continue to change. Just as language changes over time, so should the nomenclature we use to describe the software and services we build in tech. This serves as a living guide as to how one might go about selecting choice words for things.
A few years back, I presented on a topic near and dear to my heart: software abstractions.
I think it is critically important to take a pragmatic and critical view of software abstractions and I feel this well represents my views. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did sharing it with the wonderful audience at CraftConf.
For a long time I’ve seen my peers, my loved ones, and myself dump valuable time into the Facebook platform. I’ve also seen it cause a lack of mindfulness. I have long thought that I should use it less to regain some enjoyment readily available elsewhere in my life. As an excuse, I’ve said I need it for work, for family, or just to stay connected to various communities. The recent #deletefacebook trend has caused me to reflect and rearticulate why I cannot simply delete Facebook.
A while back, Lisa and I bought plot of land in West Virginia called “Schloss Hollow.” Our goals were both epic and vague. We wanted a place all our own that our children would enjoy and come back to later in life with their kids. This place is wonderful and I remain amazed at how effectively and efficiently it recharges my soul.
The mobile reception out here is weak, slow and spotty.

This sounds weird, but it is the most pleasant, smoked fruit ice cream I’ve had. Once I was making a smoked peach ice cream and realized I didn’t have peaches; show-stopper, right? Well, I had some watermelon on hand and (gasp) don’t really like watermelon all that much – this is a sharp divide between my family and me.
Make the ice cream custard base, I now use this recipe b/c it works well and it’s very readable.
First, I’m an amateur. But, I’m avid, regular, and profficient. I smoke meat because I like to eat the meats I smoke. I smoke meat often, because I like to do that often.
I’ve tried a wide variety of smokers and smoking techniques. I have not, though intend to do so in the future, tried an actual hanging smoke house. I’ve used manual feed side boxes, Green Eggs, gas grills with cast-iron chip boxes, and electric smokers.
This post is going to be useless to almost everyone, yet hopefully eye opening and fascinating. Mostly, the purpose is so that I don’t have to discover this for the third time and can, at some later date, Google this, find my own article, and simply read about it.
This is a tale of linkers and code optimization and perhaps the most elegant ELF loader magic I’ve ever seen.
Backgrounder Modern processors are pretty badass.