I haven’t blogged for a while because:

  • I have been travelling insanely. About 80k miles this year so far.
  • Hacking on Circonus and (subsequently) Reconnoiter.
  • Providing strategic and tactical guidance on some mind blowing projects for the truly awesome clientele we have at OmniTI.
  • Speaking at quite a number of conferences.
  • Attempting to participate more in some of the open source projects I can help.
  • … and planning for Surge.

The little timeout I am taking to write this note isn’t sufficient to dive into the truly interesting things my readers usually expect. However, I’d be a jackass if I let you go any longer without knowing that Surge is going to be friggin' awesome this year. At the end of this year, if you look back and see that you missed attending Surge you’ll know what regret truly is. Just sayin'.